YJ NS1 is Joomla 1.0 and Joomla 1.5 native module that will allow you to scroll, scrollfade or fade in your existing Joomla news items. Yes existing ones. This means that you do not need any additional components or modules anymore and you do not have to modify your existing news items either.
Hardest thing you would need to do is pick the news items category and publish the module.
In past 20 days we sat down and looked over the features that are missing from every existing news slider out there and created this module to fit any website and any Joomla content. We did our best to create an ultimate Joomla news display module with many features and simple setup.
By listing YJ NS1 features you will understand what was missing in all existing news sliders.
YJ NS1 Features :
* Display any amount of news items
* Display news items from any Joomla news category
* Random, most popular or standard Joomla ordering news items display (demo above is set to random. Refresh the page)
* Display any kind of intro image (mosimage also for Joomla 1.0.x)
* Adjust slider width and height
* Add additional styles that are managed from module backend
* Use templating system. Currently 2 templates are available. YJ Inline(demo above) and YJ Block (home page)
* Set the amount of characters in module intro text
* Allow user to change transitions speed and desired effect
* Allow user to display news items as they are without changing anything in news item itself
* Support for JQuery and Mootools
* Server side compression for all scripts
* PHP4 support for Joomla 1.0.x (not needed for Joomla 1.5)
* IE PNG fix build in ( can be turned off)
* Add custom logo and its link and display functions
* Turn on or off logo and navigation
* Start slides on page load if desired
* Pause slide on mouse over
* Continue slide on mouse out
* 4 different levels of intro text background opacity (1 level opacity for IE6)
* Support for SEF Joomla 1.0.x and Joomla 1.5.x
* Build in news item id rewrite for Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.0 . All news items in the module are linking to its own page.
* XHTML and CSS Valid
Fast Setup:
* Install YJ NS1 as any Joomla module.
* Go to module settings
* Pick the news items category
* Adjust module style and settings to fit your website
* Publish the module in desired module position.
YJ NS1 Pack
iJoomla Magazine Component enables you to easily create a magazine layout for your Joomla website without tricky programming.
2JTabs - very flexible and advanced Joomla AJAX tabs. You can check details below to make sure that it's exactly what you need!
2J Tabs (component + module + plugin) - it's a fresh breath for your website layout. Very easy and comfortable way to organize your front end content most effective way.
2J Tabs can emulate multi-pages structure based on the joomla content articles as result your visitors will get easy access to the big content articles (no need to scroll through a large page). Also 2JTabs have ability to load up joomla external modules to the tabs from joomla template locations (for example: left, right, banner, user1 and etc...).
2JTABS v1.5.0(963.64 KB)
Set up Google Adword Campaigns and see which visitor is coming from which campaign. Analyze which campaign is working good and which not and save lot of money by turning unprofitable campaigns off.
Stalytics is displaying the campaign type, size (i.e. banners) and the site where your camaign was displayed to the user.
The Community Builder suite extends the Joomla! and Mambo website user management systems and allows to manage those users.
Key features include: extra fields in profile, enhanced registration workflows, user lists, connection paths between users, admin defined tabs and user profiles, image upload, front-end workflow management, integration with other components, like PMS, Newsletter, Forum, Galleries.
JCE makes creating and editing Joomla!® content easy
Add a set of tools to your Joomla!® environment that give you the power to create the kind of content you want, without limitations, and without needing to know or learn HTML, XHTML, CSS...
* Office-like functions and familiar buttons make formatting simple
* Upload, rename, delete, cut/copy/paste images and insert them into your articles using an intuitive and familiar interface
* Create Links to other Sections, Categories, Articles, Weblinks and Contacts¹ in your site using a unique and practical Link Browser
* Take control of your code with syntax highlighting in the Advanced Code editor and advanced style and element attribute editing
* Integrated Spellchecking using Google™ Spellchecker (or PSpell and ASpell)
More Info:
Joomla! extension JSN ImageShow PRO version (for Joomla! 1.0 and Joomla 1.5)
SN ImageShow is the first Joomla! flash image slideshow that really do show your images. It can be placed on every website, in whatever size you want and filled with whatever content you like. It's designed for maximum flexibility, whether you want to have a professional looking portfolio, or just an image rotator on your website.
With combined outstanding image trasition and stunning overlay visual effects JSN ImageShow really can add little more “life” to your Joomla website.
Joomla 1.5 RSS Reader Module is native Joomla 1.5+ - $ 19.90
Joomla 1.5 RSS Reader Module is native Joomla 1.5+, with many option to show content: list all content or Mootool Tooltip.
This module integrate to Native Joomla RSS Feed component, so it's stable and confident.
• Multl-Category Management
• Category Description
• List of content by multi-columns: 2,3,4 ect...
• SEF, use native Joomla framework.
• Support multi-language.
• Tiled View, List View
• Configurable display to show in list of feeds the feed name or the source
• Suppress Images or Embedded Objects
• Customized output styles
• Several configurable display tweaks
• Extended Support (personal guidance available through our System Contact)
SubscriptionDELUXE v2.5.2 Null MAFiASCRiPTS
New features in version 2.5:
# Multiple Categories for the sites were added
# Ability to specify the category to show in the menu item of the component
# Ability to configure the site’s account info table in the site’s description page
# Ability to configure the columns of the user’s subscriptions table
# Ability to show / hide login/registration controls in the site’s tables
# Login/logout form in the subscription module
# Invoice payment processor which allows immediate registration but the subscription can be blocked and the Administrator can unblock it manually later. Auto-login user after the subscription is possible
# Improved copying of Joomla users in the component
# Improved auto-login after free and trial subscriptions
Feederator Premium v1.06 Null MAFiASCRiPTS
Feederator is an RSS manager with a number of features.
With Feederator, you can
add as many feeds to your Joomla site as you want
feeds for categories and sections of your Joomla site
generate feeds based upon given keywords
"rebrand" external feeds
mashup RSS feeds
allow your users create their own feeds
broadcast podcasts right from the pages of your website
swMenuPro is a complete menu module management system that integrates into Joomla/Mambo open source content management systems .
To accomplish this swMenuPro comes in two parts. A component, which is accessed through the Joomla/Mambo administration and a module that may appear multiple times within any Joomla/Mambo page.
The component gives you the ability to easily create and manage an unlimited number of menu modules. Each menu module can be any of 7 completely independently configurable menu systems.
Jmovies v1.3.1 Null MAT
JMovies is a Joomla! component that help you to make a videos/movies library in few and very simple steps.
Discover the ultimate JMovies Joomla! component that will amaze your dedicated movie fan visitors, inspiring their full creativity for amazing previews, critics, reviews, trailers and screenshots of all top movies chart.
Frontpage SlideShow v2.0.0 NULL MAFiASCRiPTS
Frontpage SlideShow" is the most eye-catching way to display your featured articles, stories or products for your Joomla! or Mambo CMS website, like Time.com, Joost, Yahoo! Movies or CNet.com do.
"Frontpage SlideShow" is a Javascript/CSS based slideshow system combining text and images to create "slides", as well as (slide) navigation. These "slides" are being rotated one after the other with various fade effects, while text can be displayed/integrated anywhere inside the slideshow (see the various templates showcased on the right column menus). The slideshow's navigation features play/pause and previous/next buttons, as well as individual slide selection buttons for full control by the user/visitor of your site.
JX Magazine 2.1.4 MAFiASCRiPTS
Magazine for Joomla!™ 1.5
Magazine is an exciting new development for Joomla!. It is a Joomla! online publishing system able to handle a vast range of site types, from a blog, to a lifestyle site, through to a traditional online magazine or periodical.
GMaps is a Joomla component extension (plugin and other mapping extensions are available offered as SUBSCRIPTIONWARE) that enables you to build and manage map data from the backend admistration panels with a user-friendly interface. You can easily create markers, maps and then add those markers to each individual map. The maps can be rendered via a basic front-end interface.
YJ NS1 Pack - YouJoomla Extensions
swMenuPro.v6.4.J1.5.PHP.NULL._MAFiASCRiPTS_ Folder
SubscriptionDELUXE.v2.5.2.PHP.NULL._MAFiASCRiPTS Folder
stalytics2_v2.03 Folder
JE.RSS.Pro.Module.v1.PHP.NULL._MAFiASCRiPTS_ Folder
ijoomla.magazine.v3.0.4.php.null. Folder
gmapspro_v1.0_mst Folder
FRONTpageSlideShow.v2.0.Final.PHP.NULL._MAFiASCRiP TS Folder
Feederator.Premium.v1.06.PHP.NULL._MAFiASCRiPTS Folder
Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!
BalasHapusrss extension